is a package to inspect and document your polymer app element hierarchies.
Add ped to dev_dependencies
in your project pubspec.yaml
provides two public functions toJson and toViz.
Each of them scans your polymer project (starting from a given entry_point)
and records the structure of imported components, polymer-element declarations
and uses.
A JSON representation of the project structure, including
- imported HTML files
- polymer-element declarations
- element uses
- warnings for unused imports
- entry_point
The structure is output to a directed graph representation (dot-format) and
included to the file _ped.html
in the current directory.
Viewing the file renders the dot-representation inside the browser.
The package uses a version of viz.js for
rendering the directed graph in the browser.
Example: a full rendered example is in ped/example/_ped.html
Both toJson and toViz can be used with and without a filename / entry_point.
without an entry_point: the filename is taken from the transformers.polymer entry_point value in pubspec.yaml. In this case the dart script should be run from project root directory (same as the pubspec.yaml file).
with an entry_point: render arbitrary polymer project hierarchies (see
See the example
folder for a working example.