
To Do List App for Project Kaput-Springhare

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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To Do List App

To Do List

Challenge Rating

This goal will likely be within your ZPD if you...

  • Can build basic websites with HTML & CSS
  • Can add behavior to a website with JavaScript
  • Have a basic familiarity with SQL
  • Are familiar with Object Oriented programming in JavaScript
  • Are familiar with JavaScript promises
  • Are interested in building full-stack web applications
  • Are interested in how user stories get translated into software design and implementation choices


In this goal, you will build a simple to-do list app, where users can store their tasks in a database, see their tasks, and mark them complete.

This simple application is a great introduction to learning how the browser communicates with a server, and how the server communicates with a database.

You'll be working with the Express library for Node.js to help you scaffold and build the server-side logic of your application.

Most learners have used Postgres for their database and pg-promise for connecting to a Postgres database from a Node.js app.

If you are already experienced with this project, you may want to choose a different database such as MongoDB.

You may design your own UI, but it's probably better to copy someone else's design. After all, there are a few other to-do list apps out there ;). Here's one example using Google's Material Design that you could mimic:


One of the main skills we seek to learn here at Learners Guild is the creation of full-stack web applications. This project is an excellent opportunity to see how all your various foundational skills will come together into a complete, functioning website.

When working on this goal, you'll encounter questions like:

  • How could the application logic be structured satisfy this user story?
  • How should the code be broken up and organized, and where should the different parts live?
  • When and where will users run into errors, and how should the app respond to them?
  • What should be tested and how?
  • What is the UI needed to satisfy this user story?



  • Code uses a linter and there are no linting errors.
  • Repository includes a README file with basic installation and setup.
  • All dependencies are properly declared in package.json.
  • All major features are added via pull requests with a clear description and concise commit messages.
  • Every pull request has been reviewed by at least one other person.
  • The artifact produced is properly licensed, preferably with the MIT license.


  • Users can create to do list items.
  • Users can delete unwanted to do list items.
  • Users can check items off as completed.
  • Users can edit the text on existing to do list items.
  • UI renders to do items differently when they are completed (using a checkbox or some other indicator).
  • When an error occurs, the user is notified with modal message.*
  • Backend uses Node.js and Express.
  • App persists to do list items in a database.


There are thorough tests for all functionality involved in interacting with the database.

  • There are tests for creating to do list items.
  • There are tests for deleting to do list items.
  • There are tests for completing to do list items.
  • There are tests for editing to do list items.
  • All tests are passing.

* A quick and easy way to do this is to use the alert() function.


  • App is deployed on Heroku.
  • Users can rearrange to do list items.
  • Users can create multiple to-do lists.
  • Users have their own account and can sign up and log in/out.
  • App is written with ES6 and compiled using babel.