

  • TDD
  • sinon
  • chai
  • mocha
  • chai-http
  • done()
  • statics vs methods
  • documentation


For this project you will be creating an API using a test driven development approach as well as writing documentation. As an example of good documentation you can reference GitHub's API docs:

For this project you will be building a simple restful API for a database with collections of your choosing.


  1. Your API must have routes that use the following HTTP verbs: GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE.
  2. You must have documentation for each route. Write your documentation in a file called
  3. You must have at least one test written for each route. Write your tests BEFORE you write the actual routes.
  4. Your models should have some methods/statics that are tested.
  5. You will need to have tests for your routes and for your models.