
Jenkins stack on Amazon ECS with EFS

Primary LanguageShell


Jenkins stack on Amazon ECS with EFS

Deploy cluster

Creates VPC Configuration, EFS and mountpoints and ECS Cluster

cd cfn
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name jenkins-ecs-vpc --template-body "$(<cluster.yml)"

Deploy ecs stack (Services, Tasks, ELBs, instances)

tools/deploy-services.sh --cluster-stack-name jenkins-ecs-vpc

Update services and tasks

Stopping manually services and instances to limit costs

cd cfn
aws cloudformation update-stack \
--stack-name jenkins-ecs-stack \
--template-body "$(<cfn/jenkins.yml)" \
--parameters \
  ParameterKey=ECSJenkinsServiceCount,ParameterValue=0 \
  ParameterKey=ECSProxyServiceCount,ParameterValue=0 \
  ParameterKey=ASGDesiredInstances,ParameterValue=0 \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

Jenkins Slaves images