
package for 10micron mount

Primary LanguagePython


Python PyQt5 Widget for use in 10micron Mount environment in combination SGPro / Stickstation / OpenWeather and some more ASCOM parts

(C) Michael Würtenberger 2016, 2017

Because I'm going to use the pip installer for beta versions as well and there is no way to rollback a version number or to get one in between, I will name the release and beta versions explicitly on this page. You can switch between any version with this pip command.

Version for upcoming next release

pip install mountwizzard==2.0.8 

Version release 2

pip install mountwizzard==2.0.8 


MW runs also with ASCOM 6.3 and is tested with ASCOM 6.2. Please go with SGPro 2.6.14 release. If you would like to test in simulation, please choose the camera V2 simulator and the .NET versions fo telescope and dome simulator. Some older stuff won't work properly.

I changed the distribution model to python package (makes it a lot easier to install) and the tool got a name: MountWizzard :-) On GitHub you will find from now on most probably only the package version under


the older version under 'mount' will disappear !


  • Blind solve for base points
  • Generate model point track for observing objects for modeling along track
  • Optimize model (even when not modeled with tool)
  • Auto refraction - even when not slewing, checking IDLE times of camera
  • A lot of settings of mount visible and changeable
  • Pointing display ra/dec az/alt at the same time
  • Define up to 4 mount positions, which could be slew directly (e.g. flat panel, check ccd etc.)
  • Getting data from open weather (API key needed) and Stickstation
  • Set tracking on/off, set tracking speed Sideral / Lunar / Solar
  • Set dual tracking on/off
  • Flip mount
  • Driver stays always in sync aligns model (no model change through sync)
  • Model Analysis with separate plots.


Please setup SGPro as you would image. Please also do some sort of focusing (should be obvious) and test some images before start. If you would like to speed-up the modeling, please disable in SGPro star analysis. It takes 4-5 s per image in addition.

There is an entry for dome support. If you don't hav a dome to slew, please ensure, that there is no driver selected. This is indicated, that the DOME status on top of the window in grey. You can disable the dome driver under settings by calling the ASCOM chooser for dome an in the selection window upcoming just press "Cancel". This should disable the driver.


There were some videos for installation and first use out:

Installation: https://youtu.be/di4yqzfns5E

First Use: https://youtu.be/JMAfZoq8rBI


Actually the SGPro API has some problems with DSLR Cam's. With the current betas, there should be an improvement if not finally fixes all issues. Unfortunately I have no DSLR to test it..


Ist just a demo so far. Get some good view from Thomas (thanks for his work). Anyhow: Each modeling session ist stored under date/time in a subfolder analyse. You also can choose and older file under Model-> Analyse to view the plots.

Run Analyse

It does the same point again you had with base points or refinement. Due to the fact, that during modeling the mount refines, the model changes each star. With that Dry run without changing the model you get a true difference between the model and the actual solved images. So far I had only simulation data to test. I'm waiting for next good skies to check if all went good. If you would like to test it, please feedback, what do you want to see. It should be no problem to implement it.


You need and actual installation of Python 3.5 and PyQt5 and it runs only under Windows. I use Windows10 64 bit.


So we start with the installation of Python. Necessary ist python 3.5.2 There might be some newer versions existing, but still I only tested version 3.5.2. If you have some experience with newer version, please let me know, I would like to add these in the readme. So far version 3.6.0 doesn't work with PyQt5, so please stay with 3.5.2 You will find the download at:


The actual version is v 3.5.2. Please download it and install the package on your computer. Please remind to check the 'add to python path' checkbox before starting the installation, otherwise you will not find the appropriate path set in your environment.


Just type

pip install mountwizzard

to install the tool as package on your computer. You don't need to download the files from GitHub anymore, but if you still would like to test further development versions, please feel free to do it. Just copy the files in a working directory and start the MountWizzard like you've done it before.

You can upgrade the MountWizzard by

pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir mountwizzard

In most cases all dependencies were solved and installed as well.

Running MountWizzard

You can run the MountWizzard from any working directory where you have write access to. You run the the MountWizzard out of the working directory with the command

pythonw.exe "c:\Users\XXX\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35\Lib\site-packages\mountwizzard\mountwizzard.py

where XXX is you username. There might be some differences because of you windows installation. Just search for mountwizzard.py on your harddisk. This seems a little bit strange to run, but I found so far no better way to use the distribution capabilities of python than 'baking' a package.

All necessary directories in the working directory will be created if not present. If you have some files already from earlier versions or separate working directories, just copy them to the adequate place.

ASCOM framework

If you didn't already install the ASCOM Framework on you computer for astronomy use, please do so now. You will find the download at:


The actual version is 6.2. Please download it and install the package on your computer.

ASCOM drivers

Please install Per Frejval 10micron ASCOM driver and if you have the Stickstation as well, please do so with Per Frejval ASCOM Stickstation driver, too. Another drive is used: OpenWeather ASCOM driver should be installed. For the first configuration you need an API key from OpenWeather. Please follow the instructions on http://openweathermap.org/api how to get one.


Choose the settings you would like. Configuration of Ascom environment could be done via settings

Logfiles or console output:

The message:

UserWarning: Could not find appropriate MS Visual C Runtime library or library is corrupt/misconfiguration;
cannot determine whether your file object was opened in append mode.
Please consider using a file object opened in write mode instead.
'Could not find appropriate MS Visual C Runtime '

could be ignored. This is an issue from ctype python library, which is already known and doesn't influence functionality of mountwizzard. See:

 mscvrt not found when calling fits.open() on Python 3.5 on Win10 #4342

Remarks for professionals:

The mount_ui.ui file is the PyQt Designer file. If you would like to change designs or rearrangements, you could customize your gui. Please note: this is a part for developers, which are familiar with python development. you hae to generate the adequate python file for the gui with

pyuic5 mount_ui.ui -o mount_ui.py

in the same directory. If the commands are strange to you: don't touch the files :-).


The use this software is at your own risk! No responsibility for damages to your mount or other equipment or your environment. Please take care yourself !

Hope this makes fun and helps you for your hobby, CS Michel