
Django 4.2 + Python 3.11 benchmark

Django 4.2 + Python 3.11 benchmark

The main goal here is to measure how Python 3.11 internal speedups affect web frameworks performance. Here we compare Django 4.2 performance on Python 3.10.7 vs Python 3.11.0.

All tests were done on Macbook M1. Steps to reproduce are at the end of the page.

TLDR: it's faster on Python 3.11.

Positive highlights

Which cases are way faster now:

Name Difference
query_update 4.2677x faster
query_delete_related 3.8393x faster
query_count 3.6758x faster
url_reverse 2.0484x faster
query_dates 1.6432x faster
query_exists 1.6107x faster
query_delete 1.5411x faster
query_latest 1.5172x faster
url_resolve_nested 1.5135x faster
template_compilation 1.4355x faster

Negative highlights

Which cases are slower now:

Name Difference
raw_sql 2.7545x slower
query_values 1.6635x slower
query_aggregate 1.5818x slower
query_iterator 1.2973x slower
query_in_bulk 1.2651x slower
query_complex_filter 1.2029x slower


Almost all test points are faster based on avg data from 50 runs.

Raw results are available here in the static folder.

How to reproduce

Here are steps to reproduce the results on your local machine. No need to clone this repo, just follow the commands. Standard Django util is used: https://github.com/django/djangobench.

Set up both 3.10 and 3.11 virtual envs. Installing benchmark util and Django in both envs.

cd ~/Developer
mkdir benchmarks
cd benchmarks

python3.10 -m venv .venv310
source .venv310/bin/activate

pip install -e git+https://github.com/django/djangobench.git#egg=djangobench
pip install django pytz


python3.11 -m venv .venv311
source .venv311/bin/activate

pip install -e git+https://github.com/django/djangobench.git#egg=djangobench
pip install django pytz

git clone https://github.com/django/django.git
cd django

Run comparison 3.10 and 3.11 for the most recent Django version (4.2):

djangobench --vcs=none --control=. --experiment=. \
    --control-python=~/Developer/benchmarks/.venv310/bin/python \