
Simple and lightweight framework to create RESTful services. Built on mantikor HTTP server.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Echidna is supposed to solve our problem of a missing simple and lightweight REST Framework.

Installation / Usage

  • Install Maven
  • Clone this repo
  • Install: mvn clean install

Maven repositories

    <!-- Klauke Enterprises Releases -->
        <name>Klauke Enterprises Maven Releases</name>
    <!-- Klauke Enterprises Snapshots -->
        <name>Klauke Enterprises Maven Snapshots</name>

Maven dependencies





EchidnaConfig config = new EchidnaConfigBuilder()
	.setResourceClasses(Collections.singletonList(new ExampleResource()))
EchidnaServer echidnaServer = EchidnaServerFactory.createEchidnaServer(config);

Resource Example:

public static class ExampleResource {
	public HTTPResponse onUserDel(HTTPRequest request) {
		return HTTPResponse.newBuilder()
			.setHeaders(new HTTPHeaders())
	public HTTPResponse onUserDelId(HTTPRequest request, String userId) {
		return HTTPResponse.newBuilder()
			.setBody(HTTPBody.fromString("Hey du " + userId))
			.setHeaders(new HTTPHeaders())
	public HTTPResponse onUserDelIdPost(HTTPRequest request, @PostKey("test") String userId) {
		System.out.println("Parameter: " + userId);
		return HTTPResponse.newBuilder()
			.setBody(HTTPBody.fromString("Hey du " + userId))
			.setHeaders(new HTTPHeaders())

Client Example:

EchidnaClient client = new EchidnaClient();
HTTPRequest request = HTTPRequest
	.setHeaders(new HTTPHeaders())
HTTPBody body = HTTPBody.newBodyBuilder("test", "IchBinDerBeste").build();		
HTTPResponse response = null;

try {
	response = client.request(new URL("http://localhost/rest/v1/user/add"), request, body);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
System.out.println("Got Response: " + response);