
Easy to use embedded HTTP(S) web server you can build into your application. Also brings a static file server and a simple HTTP(S) reverse proxy with prebuilt ready to user docker images.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT



Mantikor is a simple and lightweight webserver designed to build it into your own application as an embedded webserver to handle handle web interfaces or similar shit. If you want to build RESTful services better take a look at https://github.com/D3adspaceEnterprises/echidna

Build Status

Build Status
Master Build Status
Development Build Status

Installation / Usage

  • Clone this repo
  • Install: ./gradlew build

Maven repositories

        <name>Klauke Enterprises Maven Releases</name>

        <name>Klauke Enterprises Maven Snapshots</name>

Maven dependencies



HTTP Models:


Netty channel handler implementations:


Gradle repositories:

maven {
    url = 'https://repository.klauke-enterprises.com/repository/maven-releases/'

maven {
    url = 'https://repository.klauke-enterprises.com/repository/maven-snapshots/'

Gradle dependencies:


dependencies {
    compile 'de.d3adspace.mantikor:mantikor-server:1.0-SNAPSHOT'


dependencies {
    compile 'de.d3adspace.mantikor:mantikor-commons:1.0-SNAPSHOT'

Netty channel handler implementations:

dependencies {
    compile 'de.d3adspace.mantikor:mantikor-codec-netty:1.0-SNAPSHOT'


Build an HTTP request

HTTPRequest request = HTTPRequest.newBuilder()
    .withHeader("Authorization", "3456-6543-4566-2342")

Build an HTTP response

HTTPResponse response = HTTPResponse.newBuilder()
    .withHeader("X-Powered-By", "Me")

Create a custom server

MantikorConfig mantikorConfig = MantikorConfig.newBuilder()
MantikorServer mantikorServer = new MantikorServer(mantikorConfig) {
	public HTTPResponse handleRequest(HTTPRequest request) {
	  return HTTPResponse.newBuilder()
          .withHeader("X-Powered-By", "Me")

File Server

We deliver a really simple example of a static file server located at file-server. It can serve local files really fast. The preferred way of deployment is via Docker:

docker run -it -v /home/user:/opt/base d3adspace/mantikor-file-server

For docker-compose, take a look at docker-compose.yml