
Xiegu G90 App for "путін хуй" Xiegu GSOC mod.

Primary LanguagePython

g90puhuApp - Tools, examples and CAT for Xiegu G90 and Xiegu GSOC


This tool was used to sniff CAT communication between Flrig and G90. Created just to get familiar with CIV commands.


  • Linux
  • socat
  • Python3
  • Flrig
  • G90 + CAT cable
  • Permission to create /dev devices and read/write access to serial devices
graph LR;
    B<-- socat -->C["/dev/ttyG90IN"]


  • Prepare virtual serial devices:
$ socat -dd pty,link=/dev/ttyG90OUT,raw,user=root,group=dialout,echo=0 pty,link=/dev/ttyG90IN
  • Start the sniffer
$ python3 catsniff.py
  • Start Flrig, setup and init.
Rig: Xiegu-G90
Serial: /dev/ttyG90OUT
Setup: 19200 1


Flr: FE FE 88 E0 03 FD 				<< HEADER + Get active VFO freq
G90: FE FE 88 E0 03 FD 				>> HEADER + Get active VFO freq
G90: FE FE E0 88 03 00 00 16 07 00 FD 		>> Reply from G90
Flr: FE FE 88 E0 07 01 FD 			<< HEADER + Select VFOSelect VFO-A
G90: FE FE 88 E0 07 01 FD 			>> HEADER + Select VFOSelect VFO-A
G90: FE FE E0 88 FB FD 				>> Reply from G90
Flr: FE FE 88 E0 03 FD 				<< HEADER + Get active VFO freq
G90: FE FE 88 E0 03 FD 				>> HEADER + Get active VFO freq
G90: FE FE E0 88 03 00 00 07 07 00 FD 		>> Reply from G90
Flr: FE FE 88 E0 04 FD 				<< HEADER + Get active VFO mode
G90: FE FE 88 E0 04 FD 				>> HEADER + Get active VFO mode
G90: FE FE E0 88 04 01 02 FD 			>> Reply from G90


This app is a main tool used to sniff communication between GSOC application and G90 main unit. It is based on research found here.

Note: xiegug90head.py header is taken from this repository.


  • GSOC device with custom Linux
  • socat
  • Python3
  • G90 main unit
  • Remote access via SSH (for output)
graph LR;
    B<-- socat -->C["/dev/ttyGSOC"]


Due to closed source nature of GSOC application the setup requires some tricks to make it work as expected. During the research it turns out that GSOC uses /dev/ttyS1 for communication with G90 main unit using head<>body protocol. As for now there is no known method to pass other port as a parameter for a command line. GSOC application is also very picky as it won't accept a link as a device type. It's recommended to start g90sniffer.py using SSH connection as the output requires big console terminal.

GSOC application has also possibility to accept CIV commands on /dev/rfcomm0 port. The same picky nature was observerd here. In order to trick application to listen to command it's required to create non-link entity. In this repository, this method won't be researched as its main goal is to provide CAT sever without GSOC application.

  • Rename /dev/ttyS1 to /dev/ttyG90
# mv /dev/ttyS1 /dev/ttyG90
  • Create virtual serial ports
# socat -dd pty,link=/dev/ttyVGSOC,raw,user=root,group=dialout,echo=0 pty,link=/dev/ttyGSOC
  • Mount /dev/ttyVGSOC as /dev/ttyS1
# mount -o bind /dev/ttyVGSOC /dev/ttyS1
  • Start g90sniffer.py (over SSH)
# python g90sniffer.py
  • Start GSOC application
# /usr/local/gsoc/gsoc_app_v1


Click on the image below to view sniffer in action:



This is just example application that may control G90 main unit. The only supported features are:

  • volume - +/-
  • PTT - toggle with Space
  • modulation - ]/[

Prerequisites are the same as for g90sniffer.py


# python g90app.py


This header file is required by g90sniffer.py and g90app.py. Just put it in the same folder as python application. All creditis for this one go to developers from this repo