
Arduino SDR++ Controller

Primary LanguageC++


Arduino SDR++ Controller

Arduino sketch + Linux and Windows plugin

VIDEO Youtube video


I was inspired by a question asked on RTL-SDR Facebook group. Although this question was about controlling SDR# with Arduino I decided to give a try with SDR++. I took a look at rig_ctrl plugin, but it was missing some gui functionalities. Also this plugin was designed to controll the software via network and its purpose in general was quite different from what I wanted to achieve. That's why I decided to try something by my own. Parts of the code were taken from Botland store and DRFrobot wiki. Serial initialization was googled and found in some Stackoverlow answer (hopefully). I just glued those pieces toghether. Please note: I'm not a software developer and I'm not a very big fan of C++. Yet, I manged to develop something functional,so here it is: "Arduino SDR++ Controller"



In order to build the plugin please follow the instructions from SDR++ README file. Use Arduino IDE to compile the sketch and upload to the board.

  • Arduino/controller_uno/controller_uno.ino - Arduino UNO code
  • Arduino/controller_leonardo/controller_leonardo.ino - Arduino Leonardo code
  • Plugin/misc_modules/arduino_controller/src/main.cpp - plugin code

Wiring for Arduino UNO

Rotary encoders are connected to digitial pins:

"Left" knob:

  • Hole A -> Pin 13 - left turn
  • Hole B -> Pin 12 - right turn
  • Hole C -> Pin 11 - button

"Right" knob:

  • Hole A -> Pin 3 - left turn
  • Hole B -> Pin 2 - right turn
  • Hole C -> Unused - because the shield was out of digital pins

Wiring for Arduino Leonardo

Rotary encoders are connected to digitial pins:

"Left" knob:

  • Hole A -> Pin 2 - left turn
  • Hole B -> Pin 3 - right turn
  • Hole C -> Pin 11 - button

"Right" knob:

  • Hole A -> Pin 0 - left turn
  • Hole B -> Pin 1 - right turn
  • Hole C -> Unused (for now)

Connecting to PC

Connect Arduino with standard USB cable. It should be registered as a serial device, for example: /dev/ttyACM0.

LCD Keys mapping

  • Left , Right - Waterfall Zoom In / Zoom Out
  • Up , Down - Tune with a step equals to device sample rate.
  • Select - Cycle demodulators.
  • Left knob - Tune with a step equals to "Snap interval" multiplied by 10.
  • Right knob - Tune with a step equals to "Snap interval".
  • Knob button - Center waterfall.


Enable the plugin with "Module Manager". Setup serial port (default: /dev/ttyACM0) and click "Start" button.


SDR++ is GPL3.0 so if someone decides to include this plugin within SDR++ then the same license should be applied. Keep in mind that I used some code snippets from Botland store and DFRobot wiki. I didn't notice any licenses there. So, to conclude: I really do not care. Take this code and Do whatever you want.

Where to buy?

I bought everything at Botland.

Multiplatform Serialib

Multiplatform serial communication done with Serialib by Philippe Lucidarme. Accoriding to author this library is license-free.

Final words

There is a lot of space for improments. For example I couldn't use interrupts for knobs because Arduino UNO has only two of them and I needed four. I read digital pins in a loop which is not the best practice I suppose. This issue doesn't affect Arduino Leonardo. Feel free to contribute. Greetings go to RTL-SDR Polska Facebook group and specially to Kacper for inspiring me!