
Lightweight and efficient plugin to turn dirt into mud without using glass bottle.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Maybe you've already thought the following:

"If glass bottles can turn dirt into mud, then why doesn't a bucket of water work? Wouldn't it make more sense if running water could make mud? 🤔"

And it was thinking a lot about this, spending a lot of time, that I decided to create this plugin for a personal logic correction, and I decided to share it with you 😁

NOTE: Lakes generated around the world WILL NOT AFFECT underwater dirts! The reason is the overwhelming loss of performance, although it is a cool idea it does not seem feasible. See more details here.

🎉 Features (screenshots here)

  • When player uses water bucket. [v1.0+]
  • When water flows. [v1.0+]
  • When block is placed under water. [v1.1+]
  • When dispenser dispenses water. [v1.2+]
  • When block fade to water (ex: ice block). [v1.3+]

⚡️ Compatibility

Mud was officially introduced in Minecraft version 1.19, and it is my hope that this plugin will be compatible with 1.19+. Testing has only been done with 1.21.4, so please create an issue on github if it breaks in lower versions. Thank you!