
A quick script i put together that helps me come up with potential business ideas

Primary LanguagePython


A python script I put together that helps me come up with potential business ideas.

~How it works~

Input whatever you want randomized into a file named "input.txt" inside the same folder.

Example of input.txt:
personal assistant
voice activated
decentralized exchange
real world assets
smart phones
quantum computing
hardware wallet
2-Factor Authentication
social media
Each line break is a seperate entity, it doesnt matter how long or how many spaces per line.

The script is set to output randomized combinations of your list in groups of 2 & 3.

Simply run the following command:
python generator.py
This module ensures there is no duplications.
Depending on how long your list is, the combinations can get extremely lengthy.

So I set a function to stop every 400 to ask if you would like to continue.

It prints the combinations to terminal as well as the file "output.txt" and every 400 creates a subsequent "output2.txt".

It will also print the number of possible combinations at the beginning and how many are left.


This will obviously produce mostly nonsense but can be tailored for different purposes.

However sometimes it yields pure gold that you never thought of before or sparks another idea.

Especially if you tailor the list to a more specific sector or niche.

Anyways, it was something I wanted to share since it has helped me and I enjoyed coding it.

Contributions & Thanks

If you found this project interesting or useful, create accounts with my Official Partnership links:
