
Authotkey script which can be used to show subtitles (.srt and .sub) over video, while watching videos straight from browser (streaming)

Autohotkey script for showing subtitles over video

Pros and cons:
+ put subtitles "on" while streaming with browser (flash/Divx/etc.), that is, if you have the file for it
+ foreign videos/shows use languages that you don't know
+ Can be huge help for hearing impaired (hopefully)
+ easy to use (maybe some day, if not yet)
+ very light and tiny program
+ you can use different subtitles while whatching DVDs, other than included ones
- seperate controls for subtitles, so if you decide to pause movie, you got to pause subtitles also
- Program can't be used for simultaneus translating or burning texts to your streams

How to use
You have to have Autohotkey (http://www.autohotkey.com/) installed. I believe it requires Windows operating system.

- drag & drop .srt or .sub -file over the script and it should start playing subtitles
- carefully match subtitle playing with video (push play on video at right time)
- keys:
	1	Press when subs come too early
	2	Press when subs come too late
	z	Skip to next subtitle (easy way to adjust timing)
	3	(.sub) Less delay (if subtitles seem to be getting behind, and have tried adjusting with 2)
	4	(.sub) More delay (if subtitles seem to be getting earlier, and you have to adjust with 1)
	5 toggling trough most common framerates (doesn't help when you have different cut)
	q	smaller font-size
	w	larger font-size
	e	subtitle opacity down
	r	subtitle opacity up
	a	higher from the bottom of the screen
	s	lower towards the bottom of the screen
	d	Toggle subtitle vertical alignment (top/bottom)
	f	Toggle subtitle fading
	p	Pause subtitle playing (so you could go bathroom while watching long movies)
	c	Changes monitor on which subtitles are shown
	x	Exit script (also by clicking Exit from trayicon)

If keys overlap on some keyboard commands that you use during watching, you could change them by editing script-file. 

While this program has many keys, it doesn't mean you need to remember them all. It is possible use this script without never having to use any of these shortcut keys - that is if you have correct subtitles for what you are watching and .. not pausing and you're happy with text size and position.

File with default program settings in it. You can change these to your liking with text editor.

- support for more subtitle formats