Akinator database standard
There is no need in multiline questions or answers for Akinator.
That's why these standard is python like -- simple and concise. 

Character encoding

 - utf-8

Note! You don't need 'setlocale' or 'wchar_t'. Utf-8 is a 
self-sufficient standard, which can be 8, 16, 24, or 32 bits.
Therefore 'wchar_t' won't save you... Use 'char'.

Storage format

 - Each question/answer starts on a new line. 

 - Question starts with '?' character.

 - Positive answer is written first.

 - Answers/questions do not have to be terminated with a period.

 - Answers/questions are written in lowercase.
   Except for names and abbreviations.

 - Limit question/answer line to 256 characters.

Database style format

Important! You shouldn't rely on the rules in this section. 
These rules are only needed to make database human readable. 
Database file can be read without indentation at all.

 - Every question/answer is indentated.

 - Use 4 spaces for indentation.


    ?живет в болоте
    ?ведет матан
        ?ведет допсем
        ?все знают