Hack the Supergraph - Example Fullstack Supergraph

This repository contains an example of a fullstack supergraph with GraphOS.


All of the subgraph projects are located in the subgraphs folder. There are currently five subgraphs: orders, products, reviews, shipping, users. Each subgraph is currently built with @apollo/server and hosted on Railway

Schema Checks

Certain changes to your graph's schema (such as removing a field or type) might break one of your application's clients. GraphOS provides schema checks to help you identify breaking changes before you make them, and to help you identify when a potentially dangerous change won't break anything.

To try out schema checks on this repository:

  1. Create a new branch for your changes.
  2. Navigate to the products subgraph
  3. Edit the file and remove the mediaUrl filed from the Product type
  4. Commit the changes and submit a PR.

Deploying Subgraph changes with Launches

In GraphOS, a launch represents the complete process of making a set of updates to a supergraph, usually initiated by changes to one of its subgraphs.

For this example we've kept it simple and have the minimum of what you want, keeping the main branch of this repository in sync with the main variant in GraphOS. Each variant of a supergraph has its own subgraph schemas, supergraph schema, change history, and metrics. You might have a staging or pre-production environment and that's exactly what variants are for!

Set up Rover authentication

Run this command and follow the steps there. rover config auth

Running checks manually

Format rover subgraph check <graphID@variant> --name <subgraphName> --schema schema.graphql

Example rover subgraph check super-graphics-sn2w57@main --name products --schema schema.graphql

Running a publish manually

Format rover subgraph publish <graphID@variant> --schema schema.graphql --name <subgraphName> --routing-url https://main--hack-the-e-commerce.apollographos.net/graphql

Example rover subgraph publish super-graphics-sn2w57@main --schema schema.graphql --name shipping --routing-url https://main--hack-the-e-commerce.apollographos.net/graphql