
Jsi is a small, C-embeddable javascript interpreter with tightly woven Web and DB support.

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Jsi is a javascript-ish interpreter with builtin websocket-server, sqlite and C-extensibility.

Docs | Docs-alt | Issues | jsish.org


Download a binary for linux / win:

wget http://jsish.org/bin/jsish &&  chmod u+x jsish
wget http://jsish.org/bin/jsish.exe

Or get the source and build:

wget http://jsish.org/jsi.zip &&  unzip jsi.zip;  cd jsi;  make

🚩 See Start.


./jsish -W -docs /          # Jsi web-docs.
./jsish -S mysqlite.db      # Sqlite web-gui.

Compile and run a simple C-extension.

./jsish -c -jsc "function add(n1:number, n2:number=1):number { n1+=n2; \nRETURN(n1);\n }" Sum 
./jsish -e 'require("Sum",0); return Sum.add(9,3);'