Simple user-friendly document signing and timestamping solution based on public cryptocurrency blockchains.
Currently only Namecoin is supported, however generic python API supporting
multiple chains is going to be released. (currently mostly contained in
Currently installation is not-so-simple. In the future application will be deployed using pyinstaller or some other python freezing solution, with proper windows installer and such...
sudo apt install python-pip libqt4-dev make
pip install -r requirements.txt
make run
For Windows
iOS and MacOS: installer soon, but you can install it in linux way
Simple Qt UI is present in
(that is run by make run
Example bulk verification CLI is available in
when run
directly (python FILE1 FILE2 ...
Do not forget to run namecoin NODE!
Currently GUI part is based on PySide (qt4). In (hopefuly near) future, when PySide2 becomes a (stable) thing, we'll just migrate it over.
We try to target python3.