The colorscheme with neovim in mind.
Main features:
- Dark Theme
- Light Theme
- 256 color terminal support NEW
- Several plugins supported
Currently in its 6th iteration (version: 0.7), specifically refined for contesting as the default colorscheme for the neovim project. Both included colorschemes (light/dark) are optimized for the following languages for now:
- C/C++
- HTML (+ Django, JavaScript)
- LaTeX
- Python
- Vim
(font: Liberation Mono 10pt)
The airline theme is named kalisi as well and already included in bling/vim-airline. Just add this to your vimrc, if you like the airline theme displayed in the screenshots:
let g:airline_theme='kalisi'
Add this to your vimrc:
Bundle '' colorscheme kalisi set background=light " or set background=dark " if you don't set the background, the light theme will be used
Restart Vim
Make sure your terminal supports 256 colors
In addition to the installation, add this to your vimrc:
set t_Co=256 " in case t_Co alone doesn't work, add this as well: let &t_AB="\e[48;5;%dm" let &t_AF="\e[38;5;%dm"
Explicitly supported plugins:
I consider this colorscheme all-new, because of the countless changes & iterations and because there is no resemblance to existing themes. The following colorschemes were influential in the beginning: blackboard, github, molokai, pyte and winter.
Thanks to, which helped greatly in bringing 256 color terminal support to this colorscheme!
Suggestions for improving support for other programming languages and plugins are welcome!
It contains two themes, one for each background setting (light and dark). The default colorscheme is light, as is Vims default setting, if you don't set the background manually.
Following the neovim project, this colorscheme is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.