
Web application to share testimonies about God

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status

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This is a website to help people share about their tesimony of what God has done in their life. This is specifically for people that follow Jesus Christ and would like others to know of how Jesus has changed their lives. Online tools will be provided to:

  1. Aid people on how to set up or write a testimony. Example: an outline and how many words to keep it within so as to help put it down.
  2. Easy to use website to help create testimony and save online. Easy for anyone old enough to type and read.
  3. Tools to share easily via email and text. Example: short URLs and share utility to social networks.
  4. Can set testimony to be viewed publicly and anonymously so that search engines can pick up on keywords that may help others in their struggles and see how God helped and changed their lives.

View temporary working website on Heroku

Note: preview environment unavailable. Review images below.

Run the app locally with Vagrant

Once Virtualbox and Vagrant are installed you just need to clone this repo and run vagrant up. Vagrant will take care of installing the necessary dependencies and loading the app.

$ git clone https://github.com/d48/mytestimony.git
$ cd mytestimony
$ vagrant up

Now you should see the app at http://localhost:4000


How to configure/install and run locally

  • Requirements
    • Node.js
    • MongoDB

Once the above is installed, clone this repo and run npm install to donwload and install node library dependencies

$ git clone git@github.com:d48/mytestimony.git && cd mytestimony
$ npm install

To start app, run the following and open web browser at http://localhost:4000

$ make startapp

To stop app

$ make stopapp

Initial Designs

Homepage - one page app


Homepage - Share Testimony







Form filled


Create Testimony flow

For launch with no user accounts create testimony flow

Post launch with user accounts create testimony flow

Database setup

From Wiki


View architecture and details here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DmooeXBQrIVdDpkACxRuvmMi2VNw3Ht8d2x5o9OHRO0/edit

