The app lets everyone assess their symptoms using a questionnaire. The app also informs users about next steps, for example, precautionary measures or contacting healthcare providers and health authorities.
- 2
Incorrect date format on US iPhone when setting the app language to German
#83 opened by stephanadler1 - 3
Failed to load module script: The server responded with a non-JavaScript MIME type of "text/x-js". Strict MIME type checking is enforced for module scripts per HTML spec.
#60 opened by mediafish - 3
Improve FHIR code for NUM project
#63 opened by fkaercher - 3
Build not working
#77 opened by DanielHabenicht - 11
#19 opened by DanielHabenicht - 2
Errors in fhir/respons.ts
#55 opened by mulver64 - 2
Fallback language failed
#42 opened by Osch-info - 2
Bug fix for issue with app.css in stencil.config.ts, color customization not working!
#36 opened by BucketHaendl - 1
Think about how to visualize the data
#29 opened by ManuelB