
My personal Emacs configuration.

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Emacs Config

My personal Emacs configuration. It’s a chonker.

I don’t recommend anyone else actually uses this as-is since it’s a personal setup that I change regularly. But the overall structure works well, and I’ve had a few coworkers fork and riff on this–it’s less magic than some of the popular community Emacs setups.

It demonstrates how to:

  • dynamically load config files from a directory using just use-package
  • split your configuration up, to keep config separate from vendored code
  • use Nix to build a self-contained Emacs with the 3rd party packages and utilities it needs


Nix is used to build an Emacs along with 3rd-party Lisp packages and required programs.


The derivation can be imported into a NixOS or home-manager configuration using the usual mechanisms. Doing this would allow you to add this Emacs to your Nix profile for normal use.

{ pkgs, ... }:
  nixpkgs.overlays = [
    (self: super:
      emacsCustom = builtins.fetchTarball rec {
        rev = "master";
        url = "https://github.com/chrisbarrett/.emacs.d/archive/${rev}.tar.gz";

  home.packages = [
    # Installs to ~/.nix-profile/bin/{emacs,emacsclient}