
Toy VM in Rust

Primary LanguageRust


A toy register-based virtual machine written entirely from scratch in Rust.

Registers are numbered R0-R7, and each is 32 bits in size.

The vm also contains a stack (a 32 bit vector), and a few special registers:

  • pc - program counter
  • sp - stack pointer
  • bp - base pointer
  • eq - equality flag

List of opcodes

Opcode Name Argument 1 Argument 2 Description
PUSH Register - Pushes the value stored in a register onto the stack
POP Register - Pops the value on the top of the stack into a register
LD8 Register 8-bit number Load a 8 bit value into a register
LD16 Register 16-bit number Load a 16 bit value into a register
MOV Register Register Move value stored in second register to first register
ADD Register Register Add values in 2 registers, result stored in first one
SUB Register Register Subtract values in 2 registers, result stored in first one
MULT Register Register Multiply values in 2 registers, result stored in first one
DIV Register Register Divide values in 2 registers, result stored in first one
MOD Register Register Modulus of values in 2 registers, result stored in first one
LS Register 8-bit value Left shift the value in a register by 8-bit value
RS Register 8-bit value Right shift the value in a register by 8-bit value
EQ Register Register Set equality flag if values in 2 registers are equal
GT Register Register Set equality flag if value in reg1 > reg2
LT Register Register Set equality flag if value in reg1 < reg2
JMP 8-bit value - Set the PC to the given value
JE 8-bit value - Set the PC to the given value if equality flag is set
JNE 8-bit value - Set the PC to the given value if equality flag is not set
JF 8-bit value - Relative jump forwards by value (add pc)
JB 8-bit value - Relative jump backwards by value (subtract pc)
READ Register - Reads a 32 bit integer into a register from stdin
WRITE Register - Writes the value in a register to stdout


You can run the project with cargo run <path-to-asm-file> A sample asm file is test.asm