
A Linux utility for Assetto Corsa and Dirt 4 that lights up the shifting LEDs on the Logitech G29 wheel based on the car's engine RPM.

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Logitech G29 Shifter LEDs for Assetto Corsa & Dirt 4

A Linux utility for Assetto Corsa and Dirt 4 that lights up the shifting LEDs on the Logitech G29 wheel based on the car's engine RPM.

image of the shifting LEDs on the G29


  • NodeJS
    • Ubuntu: sudo apt install nodejs
  • node-hid
    • npm install node-hid


  1. Download ac_shifting_leds.js.

  2. In terminal, launch ac_shifting_leds.js:

#:~/Downloads$ node ac_shifting_leds.js 
  1. Then launch your game of choice and start playing.

If you switch back to the terminal, you should see some success messages:

Connecting to Dirt / Codemasters
Connecting to Assetto Corsa
Assetto Corsa: subscribing to updates
  carName: 'bmw_1m',
  driverName: 'Player',
  identifier: 4242,
  version: 1,
  trackName: 'drift',
  trackConfig: 'drift'
Peak RPM set to 7000
Connected to Logitech G29 wheel
Receiving data. First message:
 "identifier": 97,
 "size": 328,

Potential Issues

  • You may get HID permission errors if the G29 isn't accessible to your user account. If that's the case, then you may need to update your udev rules. See the instructions in the Oversteer docs for more details.

  • In Dirt 4, you will need to enable UDP telemetry data. Open the following file in your favorite text editor:

~/.local/share/feral-interactive/DiRT 4/VFS/User/AppData/Roaming/My Games/DiRT 4/hardwaresettings/hardware_settings_config.xml

and change:

<udp enabled="false" extradata="3" ip="" port="20777" delay="1" />`


<udp enabled="true" extradata="3" ip="" port="20777" delay="1" />`


Feel free to file issues here.