
The DFRWS 2018 challenge (extended into 2019) is the second in a series of challenges dealing with Internet of Things (IoT). IoT is defined generally to include network and Internet connected devices usually for the purpose of monitoring and automation tasks. Consumer-grade “Smart” devices are increasing in popularity and scope. These devices and the data they collect are potentially interesting for digital investigations, but also come with a number of new investigation challenges.


DFRWS 2018 Challenge Overview

The DFRWS 2018 challenge is about Internet of Things (IoT), defined generally to include network and Internet connected devices usually for the purpose of monitoring and automation tasks. Consumer-grade “Smart” devices are increasing in popularity and scope. These devices and the data they collect are potentially interesting for digital investigations, but also come with a number of new investigation challenges.

This challenge seeks to advance the state-of-the-art in IoT forensics by focusing the community’s attention on this emerging domain. DFRWS Forensic Challenges are open to all participants and are designed to be accessible at multiple skill levels. Some answers will be accessible to participants with basic digital forensic skills, and more advanced elements are included. Examples of previous forensic challenge submissions, including the grand prize winners, are available https://github.com/dfrws/dfrws2017-challenge.

See challenge-details for scenario description, questions, and more complete information of the DFRWS 2018 Forensic Challenge.


GDrive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17szABuOp3wEI9FAWsx5Q4ThAtjPecm4Q?usp=sharing


Submission deadline: Mar. 20, 2019

Please see complete rules at http://dfrws.org/dfrws-forensic-challenge

Participants must send an email to challenge@dfrws.org with the subject line “Solution submission”.

The actual solution (code and relevant documentation) can be submitted via email tarball (5MB max), posted on a public VCS, or posted for HTTP/FTP download.


Francesco Servida

Eoghan Casey


The DFRWS would like to thank SecuLabs (https://www.seculabs.ch/), especially Thibault Soubiran, for collaborating on the physical analysis and vulnerability assessment of the devices used in this forensic challenge.