Test telegram bot

Local Development

Deployment to localstack

define variables in .env

make start

grab stack output to get api endpoint


curl  -i -k -XPOST https://fc9c1488.execute-api.us-east-1.localhost.localstack.cloud/ -d '{"update_id":813352806,"message":{"message_id":186,"from":{"id":879487978,"is_bot":false,"first_name":"Test","last_name":"Test","language_code":"uk"},"chat":{"id":879487978,"first_name":"Test","last_name":"Test","type":"private"},"date":1708367401,"text":"hello"}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Tasks for test

  1. Modify the code so that the bot only responds to the “/hello” command or any message containing “hello” in any case.
  2. The bot must respond to any other text message: Sorry, I don’t understand.
  3. Ensure that the SQS queue does not receive the full Telegram payload but instead only the minimal data required to generate a message to the client in the Lambda function sqs.py.
  4. Additionally, create unit tests for both AWS Lambda functions: api.py and sqs.py.


- Add integration tests

- Consider changing regex to 'in operator'