
run peerflix and openvpn inside a docker container with a localtunnel to connect to.

Primary LanguageShell


Run peerflix and openvpn inside a docker container with a localtunnel to connect to.

This is setup to use the useast restrictive openvpn profile from privateinternetaccess.com. It connects over TCP port 443. It should work on public "free" wifi access points as they generally do not restrict https traffic.


Add a file called login.conf with your privateinternetaccess.com username and password in it like so


and save that into the project directory.


  • docker build --tag="peerflix-alpine" .
  • docker run --privileged -i -t peerflix-alpine

The container needs the --privileged flag because it needs to create a tun device in the container

The output should look something like this

docker run --privileged -i -t peerflix-alpine
              <strong style="font-weight:bold;">You are protected by PIA</strong>
bash-4.3# your url is: https://something.localtunnel.me

If you do not see <strong style="font-weight:bold;">You are protected by PIA</strong> then something is wrong with the vpn connection.

cat openvpn.log inside the container should show you whats going on with the vpn tunnel startup.

Once you get an output like the one above you can

  • peerflix "<magnet:link>"

The file will start downloading and you can open vlc and hit CTRL+n and paste in the localtunnel address and start watching the video whilst it is downloading.


If you want to save the files you download for viewing later etc. launch the container like so:

  • docker run -v /path/for/files:/files --privileged -i -t peerflix-alpine

Then inside the machine make sure to:

  • cd files
  • peerflix -f . "<magnet:link>"

The files will be saved on your host machine in /path/for/files

If you need to check to make sure you are connected to the vpn after the initial output run:

  • sh checkip.sh

it will output the protected status from the privateinternetaccess.com website like it does during the initial startup.

If you want ot run the container without starting the vpn etc. start it like so:

  • docker run --privileged -i -t peerflix-alpine /bin/bash

that will drop you into the container at the bash prompt. You can start the vpn with:

  • sh startvpn.sh