
Home Assistant Integration for Glimmr

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

💡 glimmr_ha - V 0.1.1 (out for testing)

Initial commit.

Installation via HACS:


Install for testing

  1. Logon to your HA or HASS with SSH
  2. Got to the HA custom_components directory within the HA installation path (if this is not available - create this directory).
  3. Run cd custom_components
  4. Run git clone https://github.com/d8ahazard/glimmr_ha within the custom_components directory
  5. Run mv glimmr_ha/custom_components/glimmr_ha/* glimmr_ha/ to move the files in the correct diretory
  6. Restart your HA/HASS service in the UI with <your-URL>/config/server_control
  7. Add the bulbs either by:
    • HA UI by navigating to "Integrations" -> "Add Integration" -> "Glimmr"
    • Manually by adding them to configuration.yaml

Questions? Check out the github project glimmr-python

Enable Debug

    default: warning
      homeassistant.components.glimmr_ha: debug

HA config

You can now use the HASS UI to add the devices/integration.

To enable the platform integration after installation add

  - platform: glimmr_ha
    name: <Name of the device>
    host: <IP of the bulb>
  - platform: glimmr_ha
    name: <Name of the device#2>
    host: <IP of the bulb#2>