
read and write serialized data from the Ruby Marshal library

Primary LanguagePythonDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL


Read and write Ruby-marshalled data. Only basics Ruby data types can be directly read and written, but you can use any custom Python and Ruby types:

  • float,
  • bool,
  • int,
  • str (mapped to rubymarshal.classes.RubyString if dumped with instance variables),
  • nil (mapped to None in Python),
  • array (mapped to list),
  • hash (mapped to dict),
  • symbols and other classes are mapped to specific Python classes.


    pip install rubymarshal


    from rubymarshal.reader import loads, load
    from rubymarshal.writer import writes, write
    with open('my_file', 'rb') as fd:
        content = load(fd)
    with open('my_file', 'wb') as fd:
        write(fd, my_object)

You can map custom Ruby types to Python ones:

    from rubymarshal.reader import loads
    from rubymarshal.classes import RubyObject, registry

    class DomainError(RubyObject):
        ruby_class_name = "Math::DomainError"


You can use custom registries instead of the global one:

    from rubymarshal.reader import loads
    from rubymarshal.classes import RubyObject, ClassRegistry

    class DomainError(RubyObject):
        ruby_class_name = "Math::DomainError"
    registry = ClassRegistry()

    loads(b'\x04\x08c\x16Math::DomainError', registry=registry)

You can use Ruby's symbols:

    from rubymarshal.reader import loads
    from rubymarshal.writer import writes
    from rubymarshal.classes import Symbol
    x = Symbol("test")
    dump = writes(Symbol("test"))
    y = loads(dump)
    assert y is x

The default Writer class is customizable to write custom Python classes:

    from rubymarshal.writer import writes, Writer
    from rubymarshal.classes import Symbol
    class Constant:
        def __init__(self, name):
            self.name = name
    class ConstantWriter(Writer):
        def write_python_object(self, obj):
            if isinstance(obj, Constant):
                return self.write(Symbol(obj.name))
    dump = writes([Constant("test")], cls=ConstantWriter)
