
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Greenkeeper badge

configure: edit config.js to have your config details. first namespace is used in docker-compose.yml.

cp config.js.example config.js


The npm start script runs node server.js, which runs browserify once on startup on the app.js script. That means the basic approach to development requires restarting the server on each change to see the result.

Good thing it's a simple app!

Will not work without a config.js file specified. You can run it with ganache-cli by pasting one of your generated private keys into a file like this:

module.exports = {
  'ropsten': {
    'privateKey': '0xe2e5b850dd3974c6d296ccd69556fc2dc57484206b3411e5e3de1fc54f5afcf8',
    'rpcOrigin': ''


our nonce tracking sucks, so we shutdown the faucet regularly


docker-compose pull && docker-compose build && docker-compose stop && docker-compose up -d && docker-compose logs -f --tail 200