
Reusable components for stackhaus

Primary LanguageVue


Reusable components and directives for Vue. Designed for Stackhaus - a Graph QL powered frontend tech stack built on Nuxt, using Apollo.

haus-components saves you the trouble of rewriting common components like images, video players, svgs, and several other elements. If you're looking at writing a custom component, check if one already exists here first - and if it doesn't, feel free to contribute!

Table of Contents

  1. Installation

  2. Components

    1. smart-link
    2. responsive-image
    3. wp-content
    4. split-text
    5. wp-menu

Video Stage

If use slots with video stage, you'll probably want to set it's mode prop to be fit-to-parent. If you do this, be aware of the markup that video-stage wraps around the slot. It's uses this markup to figure out the height of the elements in the slot. Often times using position: absolute will mean the slot has height: 0, so be aware that the iFrame will be sized bigger than you want if you do that. Same with adding a margin to things in the slots, it will work better with paddings.

Carousel Scrolljack

Has a before, default and after slot.

Default slot is normally going to be a long list of images or blocks of some sort.

Be aware anything that you put into the default slot cannot be higher than 100vh, otherwise it will never count as "in-view". The current version of this is made to work with elements no taller than 80vh generally and will be positioned against the bottom of the window.

Be aware that the elements passed into the slot will need to be sized using a non-percentage based unit (so use vw or vh instead of %).

It's possible to tweak this code to make it work when at the top or middle, but Drew will update this when that is actually needed.

IntersectionObserver and InView directives

Both these directives operate similarly. You should use v-intersection-observer if you don't need precision, like for a grid that animates in each block. You should only use v-in-view for things that need to be very precise, like something that is supposed to pin to a specific part of the screen on scroll.

Both directives have a once modifier, so v-in-view.once or v-intersection-observer.once will only run once, which is good for animating in something on scroll. Both auto add classes when in and out of view.


v-in-view emits in-view and out-view events, and toggles in-view as a class.

Takes an offset and throttle setting as an object-literals, like v-in-view="{offset: 0, throttle: 30}". offset is can be used to make the "in-view" events happen early or late. throttle is the amount of milliseconds to throttle the in-view detection. A lower number will mean higher precision, but less performance.


NOTE You'll want to add this polyfill package and then add the package and config for intersection-observer

v-intersection-observer emits a has-intersected event, that contains a IntersectionObserverEntry object as payload that contains a lot of useful data.

Often you'll want to check that event payload for event.isIntersecting to see if the element has come into view, or has left view. event.intersectionRatio and event.boundingClientRect are useful to see how much the element has come into view.

Takes an object for setting as an object-literal, like v-intersection-observer="rootMargin: '0px', threshold: 1.0}". See this for an explanation on those settings.

It is important to read this to understand the options for intersection observers, the way rootMargin works is important to understand (often times you'll want this to be -100px -100px --100px -100px for example, or to change threshold). You can also set root if the default of document root isn't what you want.

TODO list

TODO improvements:

  1. Add Storybook UI to this
  2. Improve documentation
  3. Make this an NPM module?
  4. The slideshow-list component on MPC is the base of a really good background slideshow. Add that to this. Need to make it more generic, with slots probably.
  5. Get ESLINT working on this repo. Spacing is all wrong.
  6. Get v-in-view working if it loads in browser view.
  7. Allow a stagger setting on v-in-view
  8. Add toggle-height from MPC. But perhaps add height:auto after CSS animation complete on open?