
A library for contacting retopall website. Create PHP requests and require login and if you want license to your applications. Synchronized with Retopall users

Primary LanguageJava


A library for contacting retopall website. Create PHP requests and require login and if you want license to your applications. Synchronized with Retopall users


  • Save cache of user sign in and license
  • High security systems. Encryption
  • Window design
  • Log out option
  • Website synchronization

Download and install

If you want to make an application that extends and need to buy user Retopall licenses and the obligation to sign in into your account, you should use this library.
Application written in Java. Use any IDE like Ecplise to add the .jar library

Library showcase

The library is simple to use. Firstly create LoginWindow instance with the required parameters.


String appName: the app name will be shown in Retopall website user panel in their licenses if the license system is operationsal $YourApplicationName$
int appID: the App ID for doing all the requests and petitions $ApplicationID$
boolean requiresLicense: if it's set to true it will give a extra window for adding an license. The user could not enter to the app if the license is not valid


The use of this library is simple. Create a LoginWindow instance

LoginWindow lw = new LoginWindow("$YourApplicationName$",$ApplicationID$,$requiresLicense$) {
			public void onLogin() {
				//Operation to do when the user finally log in (and) use a valid license
        //Example create a window view
			public void onCancel() {
				//If the user close the sign in window