
Cross-platform command-line tool for computing CRC-64 checksum

Primary LanguageCCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


Simple cross-platform command-line tool for computing CRC-64 (ECMA-182) checksums.

Generator polynomial: 0x42F0E1EBA9EA3693

By default, the computation is initialized with 0xFFF…FFF, the length of the input data is appended to the message, and the final CRC value is not negated. The default output format is hexadecimal (base-16), padded with leading zeros.

   crc64.exe [OPTIONS] [<file_1> [<file_2> ... <file_n>]]

   -h --help --version  Show help screen / show version information
   -b --binary          Output digest in binary format (default is hex-string)
   -d --decimal         Output digest in decimal string format
   -u --upper-case      Print digest as upper-case (default is lower-case)
   -p --no-padding      Print digest *without* any leading zeros
   -s --silent          Suppress error messages
   -e --ignore-errors   Ignore I/O errors and proceed with the next file
   -f --no-flush        Do *not* flush output stream after each file
   -z --init-with-zero  Initialize CRC with 0x000..000 (default is 0xFFF..FFF)
   -l --no-length       Do *not* append the input length to the message
   -n --negate-final    Negate the final CRC result
   -t --self-test       Run integrated self-test and exit program

One output line is generated per input file:

<CRC64-Checksum> <File-Size> <File-Name>