Simple cross-platform command-line tool for computing CRC-64 (ECMA-182) checksums.
Generator polynomial: 0x42F0E1EBA9EA3693
By default, the computation is initialized with 0xFFF…FFF
, the length of the input data is appended to the message, and the final CRC value is not negated. The default output format is hexadecimal (base-16), padded with leading zeros.
crc64.exe [OPTIONS] [<file_1> [<file_2> ... <file_n>]]
-h --help --version Show help screen / show version information
-b --binary Output digest in binary format (default is hex-string)
-d --decimal Output digest in decimal string format
-u --upper-case Print digest as upper-case (default is lower-case)
-p --no-padding Print digest *without* any leading zeros
-s --silent Suppress error messages
-e --ignore-errors Ignore I/O errors and proceed with the next file
-f --no-flush Do *not* flush output stream after each file
-z --init-with-zero Initialize CRC with 0x000..000 (default is 0xFFF..FFF)
-l --no-length Do *not* append the input length to the message
-n --negate-final Negate the final CRC result
-t --self-test Run integrated self-test and exit program
One output line is generated per input file:
<CRC64-Checksum> <File-Size> <File-Name>