
Core logic for emgee (Media Grabber) application

Primary LanguagePython

Emgeecore - Backend for (Media Grabber) application

Release Commit

An automated way to backup your media collection to your computer

This is the backend logic which runs the frontend Media Grabber Application.

Table of Contents

General Info

This application runs the Backend Server, which contains the core logic to Automate Ripping, and Encoding a DVD or CD to a target location. Uses the Makemkv-cli 3rd Party API to rip a disc title once detected.

It keeps track of jobs via job-files, which include source-device ID's, media ID's and job ID's. Also keeps track of if the job is ripped or encoded for example.

This is Still work in progress.



  1. Clone the Repository into your chosen/target directory
  2. Navagate to the directory and open the Terminal. Install the requirements by running this command: pip3 install -r requirements.txt

How To Use

  1. To run the application Run: python main.py in the terminal.
  2. CTRL + C to exit the app.

Future Plans

By the end of the project, I hope to have the followoing features.

  • Scanning of CD's, DVD's and Blu Rays on insert for meta data.
  • Parsing media meta data.
  • Compatibility with, and interfacing to multiple connected optical media devices at once.
  • Using 3rd party application/projects to automate backingup media.
  • Offloading to 3rd party applications/projects for further processing.
  • Keeping logs based on device/disc/backup job etc.
  • Compatibity with Front end Media Grabber Application.


- Active Deveopment