Notify is a lightweight jQuery plugin (written in Coffee Script) to handle your alerts and notifications.
It's super easy to implement, all you need to do is include jQuery and call $.notify() and pass in the options you want (outlines below) whenever you want your notifications to appear.
####Basic HTML:
<div id="notify"></div>
####Basic CSS:
//Any other styles such as position:fixed etc.
####Basic JS:
message: 'hello world',
container: '#notify',
messageClass: 'success',
timing: 1000
####Message (string): The message you want to publish. ######default: 'hello world'
####Container (string): The containing element (with css selector). ######default: '#notify'
####MessageClass (string): The class you wish to give the notification div (eg. you may want to add a success or error class). ######default: 'success'
####showAnimation (string): The jQuery function/animation you'd like to show your notification. ######default: 'slideDown'
####hideAnimation (string): The jQuery function/animation you'd like to hide your notification. ######default: 'slideUp'
####Timing (string/integer): Time you want the notification to display for (ms). ######default: 1000