
My TeXmacs configurations

Primary LanguageScheme

TeXmacs's Customization

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The Graph plugin has been moved to legacy-code. And I am reorganizing my configurations using Literate Programming in TeXmacs.

Graph plugin

  • rose: a rose from Henri Lesourd's tutorial of TeXmacs graphics. The code in the tutorial is outdated because of the change of the TeXmacs's Scheme serialization.

  • struct-graph: a function for translating a TeXmacs "tree" representing the relations of structs in Linux Kernel to a easy-to-read graph. Some explanation and two figures can be found in my blog post in Chinese.


If you use an older version, you may have to add the following code to the my-init-texmacs.scm file:

(define (tree->number atree)
        (string->number (tree->string atree)))