
Weather App, Currency Converter and Faal-E Hafez | Mobile Programming Course Assignments - Amirkabir Univ. of Tech., Fall '22

Primary LanguageKotlin

Mobile Programming Course Projects

This repository contains my solutions to the project assignments for the "Mobile Programming" course.

Project 4: Weather App

[Aim: Learning how to communicate with APIs in an Android app]

A simple weather app that displays current and forecast weather for a selected city.

  • It allows searching for a city and selecting from matches.
  • It shows temperature, condition, highs/lows for the selected city. 5 day / 3 hour forecast data is displayed in chart and list views.
  • OpenWeatherMap APIs were used to retrieve real weather data and handle errors properly.
Title Screen
City weather screen (rainy)
City weather screen (snowy)
City list screen

Project 3: Currency Converter

The goal of this project is to create a simple currency converter app.

  • It displays a home screen to select the "from" and "to" currencies using UI elements like spinners.
  • A button initiates the conversion using the user's input amount and displays the result.
  • A settings screen allows customizing default currencies, amounts, and swap options.
  • Conversion rates from a fixed date were used.
Title Screen
Home screen
Currency selection screen

Project 2: Book List

[Aim: Learning different layouts and navigation]

The book display section of an ebook reader app.

  • On the first screen, a list of books is displayed including the book cover image, title, and author name. The user can view the list as a vertical stack or in a 3 column grid layout.
  • The user can click a book cover to see more details on another screen. This screen displays the cover image and information like author, publisher, publication year, summary, etc.
Title Figure
Book list screen (list view)
Book list screen (grid view)

Project 1: Faal Hafez (Fal-e Hafez)

[Aim: Learning how to set up a simple android app with buttons]

A simple Faal-e Hafez (Hafez fortune-telling) app.

  • When launched, this app shows a button at the bottom of the screen to get a Faal (fortune). Pressing it randomly selects and displays one of several Hafez poems, that are stored in the app. The user can get more Faals by pressing the button more.
  • An "About" button is also provided next to the "Get Faal" button that shows some general info about the app like its version num and author.
  • A theme is set up for the whole app to give it a unique look and feel through color and font choices. An appropriate app icon is also selected and added.
Title Screen
App launch screen
Faal display screen

Course Information

  • Course: Mobile Programming
  • University: Amirkabir University of Technology
  • Semester: Fall 2022

Let me know if you have any questions!

License: MIT