Scala Hello World using Pants

Step 1: Init Pants 2.12.0

  1. Install Pants 2.12.0 via command line provided by
  2. Add .gitignore manually.

Step 2: Hello World Source Code and Build Definition

  1. Add source code: Main.scala
  2. Generate build definition by ./pants tailor
  3. For other changes, we'd better copy and paste from the official example repo
    • 3rdparty/jvm/org/scala-lang/BUILD.pants
    • pants.toml
# To generate 3rdparty/jvm/default.lock
./pants generate-lockfiles --resolve=jvm-default 

./pants fmt src/jvm::

./pants lint ::

./pants check ::

Step 3: Add deploy_jar filter

./pants run hello/src:bin