Portfolio Manager

Our work for an Investment Management Portfolio WebApp built as a part of Codeshastra 5.0.


screenshot from 2019-03-04 11-58-57


We recommend stocks which are likely to show an increase in market price based on the company's sentiment, analysed from Twitter data. screenshot from 2019-03-04 12-02-41 screenshot from 2019-03-04 12-02-58

User Dashboard

Summarizes the different stocks in which the user has invested money. On the basis of the stoploss amount specified by the user, we recommend whether the user should sell the stock or not in accordance with the prediction made by the ANN model. screenshot from 2019-03-04 12-03-39 screenshot from 2019-03-04 12-04-23 screenshot from 2019-03-04 12-10-39


The users investments are displayed as a percent of total investment made in a pie chart and the expected dividends are shown. screenshot from 2019-03-04 12-04-53 screenshot from 2019-03-04 12-04-59


  1. Aditya Jeswani
  2. Devansh Dalal
  3. Mustafa Bhanpurawala