
Hyperspace search engine 🔍🌌~🔭=🤯

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

📘 hyperdex

hyperspace search engine

This is the webapp component that performs local lookups in the distributed index generated by the friendly spider robot.

hyperdex screenshot


Get beaker then visit:



yarn && yarn serve

Then visit http://localhost:5000 using the beaker browser.


I've written a script that manages a distribution drive in folder .hyper_dist/ and conditionally imports only files whose content truly is different (using md5 hashes metadata)

Releasing a page from build to hyperspace has never been easier:

yarn build && yarn release

Example output:

Imported 869fad781a55f42a744381814e2955ef build/bundle.css
Imported f184b695cecf669ad1126295dc4c72ae build/bundle.css.map
Imported d16a09e1f126b2ddc971dcbf5d972bb7 build/bundle.js
Imported 3d8b0ef8bb73b917e165e24437daa886 build/bundle.js.map
hyper://cb8986b2d773e17eaa665c1c3d250757348945ba73bf8f95d3b209b92c307e3a @ 15

Visit the hyper://-URL in beaker then add to addressbook + host and your local hyper-drive daemon will keep a read-only copy of your distribution drive.

Need to switch computers for publishing? No prob, just zip + transfer the .hyper_dist/ folder to destination. (but make sure to delete it at the source to avoid tree-corruption)


 _____                      _   _           _
|  __ \   Help Wanted!     | | | |         | |
| |  | | ___  ___ ___ _ __ | |_| |     __ _| |__  ___   ___  ___
| |  | |/ _ \/ __/ _ \ '_ \| __| |    / _` | '_ \/ __| / __|/ _ \
| |__| |  __/ (_|  __/ | | | |_| |___| (_| | |_) \__ \_\__ \  __/
|_____/ \___|\___\___|_| |_|\__|______\__,_|_.__/|___(_)___/\___|

If you're reading this it means that the docs are missing or in a bad state.

Writing and maintaining friendly and useful documentation takes
effort and time. In order to do faster releases
I will from now on provide documentation relational to project activity.

 |                                                 |
 |  - Open an issue if you have ANY questions! :)  |
 |  - Star this repo if you found it interesting   |
 |  - Fork off & help document <3                  |

I publish all of my work as Libre software and will continue to do so,
drop me a penny at Patreon to help fund experiments like these.

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/decentlabs
Discord: https://discord.gg/K5XjmZx
Telegram: https://t.me/decentlabs_se



New retro theme Windorfs84

"Don't drink and style."

This update features mainly UX-improvements with some bug-fixes, Indexing and database-schema is left unchanged.

  • "Add to addressbook" buttons
  • Updates are now presented grouped by drive.
  • Groups with >3 images presented as a neat gallery.
  • Search results restructured to be visually similar to updates.
  • Fixed database issues accidentally introduced by 1.5
  • Functional progress bars & loaders

Migrating to new url, other drive got borked:



  • Improved search index density, total db size is now ~38MB vs ~300MB
  • Improved updates, now with content previews
  • Refactored reactive stores to conditionally fire on update (perf upgrade)
  • Made absence of styles even more obvious.

0.1.0 first release


By making a pull request, you agree to release your modifications under the license stated in the next section.

Only changesets by human contributors will be accepted.



2020 🄯 Decent Labs AB - Tony Ivanov