
Use a GitLab web hook to trigger a git push

Primary LanguageRuby

GitLab PushD

GitLab PushD is a Ruby + Rack implementation of a simple daemon to push git repos to elsewhere as triggered by a GitLab web hook.


To install for deployment, you can do:

$RUBY/bin/gem install bundler -i vendor/gem -n bin
bin/bundle install --deployment --binstubs --shebang $RUBY/bin/ruby

You will also need to create a config.rb file for your environment. There is an example provided.

There is also an example Upstart config to show how you can run it as a service.


Run pushd on the host where your central git repositories live, and make a config.rb file as outlined in the included example.

In GitLab, then add a web hook that points to the running pushd application uri.

Without GitLab

Given that GitLab just talks JSON, if you want to trigger the pushd daemon directly from a git hook, you can use the update hook, and do something like:

curl --data '{"repository":{"url":"'$repouri'"}}' $pushd

The repouri only needs to match whatever you listed in the config.rb file, i.e. just some unique identifier of your choosing.