
My blog on Django 1.5 (Python)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

daGrevis.lv — My blog on Django 1.5 (Python)

I could use Tumblr or WordPress, but that is too easy. :)

Installation locally

git clone https://github.com/daGrevis/daGrevis.lv
cd daGrevis.lv
virtualenv .
bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
sass dagrevis_lv/core/static/stylesheets/main.scss dagrevis_lv/core/static/stylesheets/main.css
bin/python dagrevis_lv/manage.py syncdb
bin/python dagrevis_lv/manage.py migrate blog

(git, virtualenv and sass are required)

Running server

bin/python dagrevis_lv/manage.py runserver


Running tests

bin/python dagrevis_lv/manage.py test --settings=dagrevis_lv.test_settings

Build Status

On production

Currently, I'm using Nginx and Gunicorn.