
Lightweight, framework agnostic caching library with sweet API

Primary LanguagePython


Lightweight, framework agnostic caching library with sweet API

Project Status: Wip - Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public.

NB! API is expected to change!


from datetime import datetime, timedelta

import sweetcache
import sweetcache_redis

cache = sweetcache.Cache(sweetcache_redis.RedisBackend)

cache.set("foo", 42)
assert cache.get("foo") == 42

user = {
    "id": 1,
    "username": "daGrevis",
cache.set(["users.v1", user["id"]], user)

cache.set("foo", 42, expires=timedelta(minutes=5))
cache.set("foo", 42, expires=datetime(2015, 9, 28))
cache.set("foo", 42, expires=60 * 5)

    foo = cache.get("foo")
except sweetcache.NotFoundError:
    foo = None

foo = cache.get("foo", None)

@cache.it("charts.v2", expires=timedelta(hours=2))
def get_charts():
    charts = calculate_charts()
    return charts

Running Tests

nosetests -s sweetcache

With Coverage

nosetests -s sweetcache --with-coverage --cover-html --cover-package sweetcache