
Iris is a versatile shell script that enhances screen experience and healthy habits. Adjust color temperature, brightness, invert colors. Set reminders for breaks, reduce eye strain. Lightweight, cross-platform, utilizes xcalib and libnotify for Linux. Simple solution for programmers, writers, designers.

Primary LanguageShell

Iris 👀

Iris is a versatile shell script designed to enhance your screen experience by providing convenient color temperature adjustment, brightness control, color inversion, and periodic reminders for taking breaks. This user-friendly tool aims to reduce eye strain and promote healthy habits while working on your computer. 💻

Features 🌟

  • Adjust Color Temperature: Change the color temperature of your screen to reduce eye strain and create a more comfortable viewing environment. 🌇
  • Adjust Brightness: Modify the brightness level of your screen for optimal visibility in different lighting conditions. 💡
  • Invert Colors: Invert the colors of your display for improved readability or accessibility purposes. ⚫⚪
  • Reminders: Set periodic reminders to take breaks, stretch, or engage in other healthy activities to prevent eye strain and promote overall well-being. 🕰️
  • Restore Default Settings: Easily revert back to the default screen settings with a single command. ⚙️

Installation 🚀


Ensure you have xcalib, libnotify, and make installed on your system. You can install them using the following command:

  • Debian-based Distributions (e.g., Ubuntu, Debian)
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt install xcalib libnotify4 make
  • Fedora
$ sudo dnf install xcalib libnotify make
  • CentOS/RHEL
$ sudo yum install xcalib libnotify make
  • SUSE-based Distributions (e.g., openSUSE)
$ sudo zypper install xcalib libnotify-tools make
  • Arch-based Distributions (e.g., Arch Linux, Manjaro)
$ sudo pacman -Syu xcalib libnotify make


  1. Clone the repository:

    $ git clone https://github.com/M1ghtyMushroom/iris.git
    $ cd iris
  2. Install the script:

    $ make install

    You will be prompted to run the reminder option on startup. Proceed with y and select your desired time interval to set it up.

Usage 🎮

Run the iris command with the appropriate options:

  -h, --help             Display this help message
  -w, --warm    [VALUE]  Adjust the color temperature (range: 1-10)
  -d, --dim     [VALUE]  Adjust the brightness level (range: 1-10)
  -r, --remind  [VALUE]  Set a reminder interval in minutes (range: 5-120)
                         Run 'iris -r stop' to stop the reminder
  -i, --inverse          Enable inverted colors
  -n, --normal           Restore default color settings

Examples 💻

  • Adjust the color temperature to 5, brightness to 3, enable inverted colors, and set a reminder every 15 minutes:

    $ iris -w 5 -d 3 -i -r 15
  • Restore default screen settings:

    $ iris -n
  • Stop the reminder:

    $ iris -r stop

Uninstallation ⚠️

To uninstall Iris and remove its auto-start configuration, run:

$ make delete

Contributing 🤝

Contributions are welcome! If you find a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue or submit a pull request.