
DEMO Application serving as practice for Javascript ES6 iterators, iterables objs and generators.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


DEMO Application serving as practice for Javascript ES6 iterators, iterables objs and generators.


  1. The app is run from the command line.
  2. The user is asked what they ate, and how much.
  3. Calories of the meal are calculated and displayed.

Features of the App

  1. List Food Specific to Dietary Preferences
    • Terminal Commands implemented through "event listeners"
  2. Log Food of different portions
    • Implemented using Iterators / Generators
  3. List logged food for a specific day
    • Implemented using YIELD Delegation / "Composing generator functions"

Database set up using JSON Server.

Packages Used:

  • Readline 🠆 Setup input / output environment

  • JSON Server 🠆 Setup a full fake REST API

    Install Dependecies:	npm install
    Install :  sudo npm i -g json-server
    RUN     :  json-server --watch ./db.json --port 3001
    OR      :  npm run server
  • AXIOS 🠆 Promise based HTTP client.
