
This script sets up a proxy portal that logs connections to a MongoDB database. It's designed to run in a Docker container and is configurable via environment variables.

Primary LanguagePython

🌐 MongoDB Proxy Portal

This script sets up a proxy portal that logs connections to a MongoDB database. It's designed to run in a Docker container and is configurable via environment variables.


The proxy server listens on the specified PROXY_PORT and forwards all connections to the MongoDB instance specified by MONGO_HOST and MONGO_PORT. It logs each connection's IP address and timestamp to the specified MongoDB database and collection.

Environment Variables

  • MONGO_HOST: MongoDB host (default: localhost)
  • MONGO_PORT: MongoDB port (default: 27017)
  • PROXY_PORT: Proxy port (default: 2222)
  • DB_NAME: Database name (default: logs)
  • COLLECTION_NAME: Collection name (default: connections)

Running with Docker

Using Docker Run

docker run -d \
    --name Mongo_Portal \
    -e MONGO_HOST=your_mongo_host \
    -e MONGO_PORT=27017 \
    -e PROXY_PORT=2222 \
    -e DB_NAME=logs \
    -e COLLECTION_NAME=connections \
    -p 2222:2222 \

Using Docker Compose

Create a docker-compose.yml file with the following content:

version: '3.8'

    image: davinci19/mongo-proxy-portal:latest
    container_name: Mongo_Portal
      MONGO_HOST: your_mongo_host
      MONGO_PORT: 27017
      PROXY_PORT: 2222
      DB_NAME: logs
      COLLECTION_NAME: connections
      - "2222:2222"

Then start the container with:

docker-compose up -d