
Setting up

Assuming I copied the face-search project to /nfs/div2/jchen/face-search/. Inside /nfs/div2/jchen/face-search/, I also need to create a link called gallery to the images directory, which is at /lfs2/glaive/data/CS3_2.0/.

ln -s /lfs2/glaive/data/CS3_2.0/ gallery

Then create an empty directory called uploads.

mkdir uploads

Running Demo

Start http service and Django (on isicvl03)

Go to /nfs/div2/jchen/face-search and start http server to host static files

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000

Go to /nfs/div2/jchen/face-search/server and start Django for the backend

python manage.py runserver

Start Janus Service (on isicvl05)

Go to /nfs/div2/jchen/janus-dev/janus-api/build and start Janus service src/cserver/c_example. Wait until initialization finishes. (Important to stop this service when not running the demo.)

Now the demo is running at http://isicvl03:8000/search/

Using different servers

If using a different server for Django service, update the URL's of URL object. In /search/face-search.js

.constant("URL", {
            upload: "http://isicvl03:8001/search/upload",
            uploadByLink: "http://isicvl03:8001/search/uploadByLink",
            autodetect: "http://isicvl03:8001/search/autodetect",
            search: "http://isicvl03:8001/search/search",
            debug: "http://isicvl03:8001/search/debug"

If using a different server running Janus service, update these 5 URL's in /server/search/views.py.




