
Small command line utility for converting .zarr to .netcdf

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

README for zarr2netcdf


zarr2netcdf is a Python (command-line) utility that facilitates the conversion of .zarr stores to netCDF (.nc) files. This can be convenient for moving files over scp. It uses xarray and dask to handle the conversion. With optional flags, you can customize the output path and disable dask processing if needed.


  • Convert .zarr stores to .nc (netCDF) format.
  • Efficient handling of large datasets using dask.
  • Optional progress bar for tracking the conversion process (only when dask is enabled).
  • Command-line interface and utility for easy integration into workflows.


You can install zarr2netcdf.py as a command line tool using:

pip install .

Requirements are xarray zarr netCDF4 dask[complete].


To convert a .zarr store to a .nc (netCDF) file:

zarr2netcdf path_to_your_file.zarr

Optional Arguments:

  • zlib encoding (compression): The -e flag activates encoding using zlib. Use the -l flag to specify the encoding level (default is 3). This is used for all data variables.

  • Specify Output Path: Use the --output or -o flag to specify a custom path for the output .nc file:

    zarr2netcdf path_to_your_file.zarr --output=path_to_output_file.netcdf

    If not provided, the output will have the same name as the input with a .nc extension.

  • Use Dask Parallelization: Use the --use_dask or -d flag to enable dask parallelization and the progress bar:

    zarr2netcdf path_to_your_file.zarr -d