
Something fresh coming soon

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

GitHub issues

Galio is a 100% free and open source project, licensed under MIT. It will always remain free to use, powered by a massive world-wide community. Carefully crafted. Ready-made components, typography, and a gorgeous base theme that adaps to each project. You'll be building in style. Built with real app examples, component demos, guides, and how-to's to get you up and running with mobile apps faster than ever before.

Table of Contents

Quick Start

1. Project Setup

git clone https://github.com/galio-org/galio.git
cd galio
npm install or yarn install

2. Project testing

Terminal cli: npm run ios or yarn run ios

User our iOS or Android app to directly view Expo projects on your phone.

Expo iOS app

Expo Android app


Under Galio's belt:

✅ NavBar

✅ Block

✅ Card

✅ Button

✅ Icon

✅ Input

✅ Text

🚧 Will follow: 🚧



Here we will showcase some screens and some sample code of how we've used Galio in order to create them.

renderCard = (props, index) => {
    const gradientColors = index % 2 ? GRADIENT_PINK : GRADIENT_BLUE;

    return (
      <Block row center card shadow space="between" style={styles.card} key={props.title}>
          start={[0.45, 0.45]}
          end={[0.90, 0.90]}
          style={[styles.gradient, styles.left]}

        <Block flex>
          <Text h5>{props.title}</Text>
          <Text muted>{props.subtitle}</Text>
        <Button style={styles.right}>
          <Icon size={BASE_SIZE * 1.5} name="ios-arrow-forward" family="Ionicons" color={COLOR_GREY} />

<Block flex space="between" center style={styles.absolute}>
      <NavBar transparent leftIconColor={theme.COLORS.WHITE} onLeftPress={() => props.navigation.openDrawer()} />
      <Block style={styles.articleSummary}>
        <Block row style={{ marginBottom: theme.SIZES.BASE }}>
          <Block row middle style={{ marginHorizontal: theme.SIZES.BASE }}>
            <Icon name="eye" family="MaterialCommunityIcons" color={theme.COLORS.WHITE} size={theme.SIZES.FONT * 0.8} />
            <Text p color={theme.COLORS.WHITE} style={{ marginLeft: theme.SIZES.BASE * 0.25 }}>25.2k</Text>
          <Block row middle>
            <Icon name="heart-outline" family="MaterialCommunityIcons" color={theme.COLORS.WHITE} size={theme.SIZES.FONT * 0.8} />
            <Text p color={theme.COLORS.WHITE} style={{ marginLeft: theme.SIZES.BASE * 0.25 }}>936</Text>
    {/*...more code in the open source files...*/}

    style={{ width: width * 0.9 }}
    onChangeText={text => this.handleChange('email', text)}
    style={{ width: width * 0.9 }}
    onChangeText={text => this.handleChange('password', text)}
    size={theme.SIZES.FONT * 0.75}
    onPress={() => Alert.alert('Not implemented')}
    style={{ alignSelf: 'flex-end', lineHeight: theme.SIZES.FONT * 2 }}
    Forgot your password?


The documentation for Galio is hosted at our our website


Reporting Issues

We use GitHub Issues as the official bug tracker for Galio. Here are some advices for our users that want to report an issue:

  1. Make sure that you are using the latest version of Galio. Check for your fork's master branch status and see if it's up to date with the upstream/master (our repository)
  2. Provide us with reproductible steps for the issue.
  3. Some issues may be platform specific, so specifying what platform and if it's a simulator or a hardware device will help a lot.


Useful Links

Tutorials: coming soon...

Freebies from Galio Team: coming soon...

© 2018 Galio, made with love for apps.