- 1
Integration of line charts and Graph2d
#153 opened by ThomasChln - 1
- 0
Use shiny's runExample
#151 opened by daattali - 1
Visualisation Shaking
#150 opened by vssentinel - 1
Show warning or error on duplicate id's
#149 opened by JustGitting - 3
Handlebars Template stripped out of classes
#147 opened by SirPhoros - 1
Stacking performance - update vis.js version?
#148 opened by benhmin - 3
- 1
Error using `{crosstalk}` with `timevis()`
#145 opened by jack-davison - 1
No support for portuguese?
#144 opened by F-Chalreo - 1
timevis is excellent
#143 opened by FortuneHadebe90 - 2
- 3
wrong date on timeline
#139 opened by alipprc - 3
timevis not running in Quarto .qmd
#140 opened by aito123 - 1
- 2
- 1
- 1
About the language
#136 opened by RichardWang11 - 1
Changing language in the viewer
#135 opened by jusmendonca - 1
Deselecting Items does not trigger observeEvent(input$timeline_selected,{}) (RShiny)
#134 opened by adamhaywood307 - 1
timeline-arrows package
#133 opened by WurmPeter - 3
Extra Emission of <Handle>_window Event
#127 opened by justacec - 4
Timevis excluding data
#126 opened by jshibley - 6
- 2
Online demo license expired
#131 opened by axelvugts - 1
timezone argument fails in shiny but works in console
#130 opened by sanjmeh - 1
Why "content "can't use javascript?
#129 opened by LiPingjiang - 3
Add custom button like a reset zoom
#125 opened by roman-tremmel - 3
language error
#124 opened by 13479776 - 5
HTML not working in 2.0.0 like 1.0.0
#123 opened by MacBurt - 1
- 8
Cyrilic labels ???
#122 opened by iztokstotl - 1
feature inquiry: Change rectangles to other objects
#121 opened by Hojnicki - 2
Editable on item level not working
#119 opened by derekzoutendijk - 1
- 5
Duplicated output in xaringan
#105 opened by gavg712 - 5
showWeekScale not showing scale
#113 opened by jaleds - 3
start/end config options are ignored
#115 opened by daattali - 2
- 2
#104 opened by renatocava - 5
Stack order within groups based on date?
#114 opened by jernest1 - 3
more than 10 groups
#112 opened by cage92606 - 5
Change format date of double click for Timevis
#111 opened by Teolone88 - 1
- 3
Sum columns in timevis
#109 opened by kylegross - 2
Trying to add a second group on the secondary x axis that documents the date segments in quarters
#108 opened by kylegross - 2
Changing colour of vis-item in vis-group
#107 opened by pythiantech - 3
- 4
Local image paths not working for HTML content
#100 opened by twu13 - 5
Week Styling
#101 opened by semisolidwhale