Benchmarking of Session-based Recommendation Approaches

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Comprehensive Benchmarking of Session-based Recommendation using Deep-Learning Approaches

In this repository, we present a comprehensive evaluation of the state-of-the-art deep learning approaches used in session-based recommendation. Our experiments compares between baseline techniques like nearest neighbors and pattern mining algorithms, and deep learning approaches including recurrent neural networks, graph neural networks, and attention based networks. It has been shown that advanced neural network models outperformed the baseline techniques in most of the scenarios however they still suffer more in case of cold start problem. This repo contains the implementations of different algorithms used in our experiments, survey of session-based recommendation papers, and a summary of the paper resources, and results.

This work was done in iCV Lab, University of Tartu:

Funded by Rakuten , Inc. (grant VLTTI19503):

Table of Contents & Organization:

This repository will be organized into the following sections:

List of Papers

  • Surveys and Benchmarks

    • 2005 | Toward the next generation of recommender systems: A survey of the state-of-the-art and possible extensions. | IEEE Transactions | PDF
    • 2017 | A Comparison of Frequent Pattern Techniques and a Deep Learning Method for Session-Based Recommendation. | RecSys | PDF
    • 2018 | Sequence-aware recommendersystems | ACM CSUR | PDF
    • 2018 | Evaluation of session-based recommendation algorithms. | Journal of User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction. | PDF
    • 2019 | A Survey on Session-based Recommender Systems. | ArXiv | PDF
    • 2019 | Sequential Recommender Systems: Challenges, Progress and Prospects. | ArXiv | PDF
    • 2020 | Empirical Analysis of Session-Based Recommendation Algorithms | ArXiv | PDF
  • Baselines

    • 1993 | Mining association rules betweensets of items in large database | SIGMOD | PDF
    • 2009 | BPR: Bayesian Personalized Ranking from Implicit Feedback. | UAI | PDF
    • 2010 | Factorizing Personalized Markov Chains for Next-basket Recommendation. | WWW | PDF
    • 2013 | FISM: factored item similarity models for top-n recommender systems. | SIGKDD | PDF
    • 2015 | Adapting recommen-dations to contextual changes using hierarchical hidden markov models. | RecSys | PDF
    • 2016 | Fusing similarity models with markov chains forsparse sequential recommendation. | ICDM | PDF
    • 2016 | Item2vec: Neural item embedding for collaborative filtering.| ArXiv | PDF
    • 2018 | Evaluation of session-based recommendation algorithms. | Journal of User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction. | PDF
  • Deep Learning in Generalized Session-based Recommendation

    • 2015 | Session-based recom-mendations with recurrent neural networks. | (GRU4Rec) | ArXiv | PDF
    • 2016 | Parallel Recurrent Neural Network Architectures for Feature-rich Session-based Recommendations. | (P-GRU4Rec) | RecSys | PDF
    • 2017 | 3d convolutional networks for session-based recommendation with content features. | (3D-CNN) | RecSys | PDF
    • 2017 | Neural attentive session-based recommendation. | (NARM) | CIKM | PDF
    • 2018 | Recurrent neural networks with top-k gains for session-based recommendation. | (GRU4Rec+) | CIKM | PDF
    • 2018 | STAMP: Short-Term Attention/Memory Priority Model for Session-based Recommendation. | (STAMP) | KDD | PDF
    • 2019 | Simple convolutional generative network for next item recommendation. | (NextItNet) | WSDM | PDF
    • 2019 | Session-based recommen-dation with graph neural networks. | (SRGNN) | AAAI | PDF
    • 2019 | A collaborativesession-based recommendation approach with parallel memory modules. | (CSRM) | SIGIR | PDF
    • 2019 | A Repeat Aware Neural Recommendation Machine for Session-based Recommendation. | (RepeatNet) | AAAI | PDF
    • 2019 | A Dynamic Co-attention Network for Session-based Recommendation. | (DCN-SR) | CIKM | PDF
  • Deep Learning in Personalized Session-based Recommendation

    • 2017 | Personalizing session-based recommendations with hierarchical recurrent neural networks. | (HRNN) | RecSys | PDF
    • 2017 | Inter-session modeling for session-based recommendation. | (IIRNN) | RecSys | PDF
    • 2018 | Self-attentive sequential recommendation. | (SASRec) | ICDM | PDF
    • 2018 | Personalized top-n sequential recommendation via convolutional sequence embedding. | (CASER) | WSDM | PDF
    • 2019 | Bert4rec: Sequential recommendation with bidirectional encoder representations from trans-former. | (BERT4Rec) | CIKM | PDF

Survey of Deep-Learning Approaches in session-based recommendation

Model Name Date Framework Personalized
Open Source Our Code
GRU4Rec 2015 Theano × Github -
P-GRU4Rec 2016 - × × -
3D-CNN 2017 - × × -
NARM 2017 Theano × Github URL
IIRNN 2017 Tensorflow Github -
HRNN 2017 Theano Github -
GRU4Rec+ 2018 Theano × Github URL
STAMP 2018 Tensorflow × Github URL
SASRec 2018 Tensorflow Github -
CASER 2018 Pytorch Github -
NextItNet 2019 Tensorflow × Github URL
SRGNN 2019 Tensorflow
× Github URL
CSRM 2019 Tensorflow × Github URL
BERT4Rec 2019 Tensorflow Github -
DCN-SR 2019 - × × -
RepeatNet 2019 Chainer
× Github -

E-Commerce Session-based Recommendation Datasets

  • 2015 | YOOCHOOSE - RecSys Challenge | URL
  • 2015 | Zalando Fashion Recommendation | NA
  • 2016 | Diginetica - CIKM Cup | URL
  • 2016 | TMall (Taobao) - IJCAI16 Contest | URL
  • 2017 | Retail Rocket | URL


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  1. Create a branch in git and make your changes.
  2. Push branch to github and issue pull request (PR).
  3. Discuss the pull request.
  4. We are going to review the request, and merge it to the repository.


For more details, please refer to our benhcmarking Paper PDF

     title={Comprehensive Empirical Evaluation of Deep Learning Approaches for Session-based Recommendation in E-Commerce}, 
     author={Mohamed Maher and Perseverance Munga Ngoy and Aleksandrs Rebriks and Cagri Ozcinar and Josue Cuevas and Rajasekhar Sanagavarapu and Gholamreza Anbarjafari},